Kewaskum Statesman from Kewaskum, Wisconsin (2024)

to 57 Potatoes, Alsyke seed, per 100 ....10.00 to 15.00 Cow 1 ...13 Chickens New per 100. is $1.00 24-26 to 85c 12c 7c I 20 9c 4 4 4 5 4 4 Mike Gruber of West Bend 1 was a village visitor Thursday. Hunkier of Chicago spent a few days with her son Emil and wife here. Kaminske and brother were to Berlin Monday where they attend ed the funeral of their sister. dance at the South Side Park last Saturday evening was not verv well attended on account of the clement weather.

dance at South Side Park hall Sunday, July 30th. Music by Pet- orchestra of Green Bay. Eli Rice, the most popular tenor singer is with this orchestra. are cordially invited to attend I the grand dance at the South Side Park on Sunday evening, July 30th. Music will be furnished by orchestra of Green Bay.

Eli Rice the great colored tenor will sing. MAY MARK CEMENT HIGHWAYS If plans now being considered bv County State Road and Bridge Committee materilize, Washington county concrete roads will be divided in the center to avoid accidents and keep motorists on their side of the road. This plan has been used in eral counties including Waukesha, for I some months and has lessened dents to a considerable extent. While no definite action has been taken as yet, the committee is sidering the matter and will probably act on the matter at a meeting ly. The idea is to place a black line in the middle of the road running lengthways so that motorists will have to keep on their side of the road in- stead of traveling in the middle as is often the custom.

It is a good idea and one favored by motorists. A Madison man has invented a chine and placed it on the market whereby the work of marking ways in this manner can be done ly and at a minimum cost othe coun- tj and the idea is to be followed by other counties where concrete ways are Press. LOSES CHANCEF RLCOUNTY DEAL The hope of a rerival of the county tuberculosis sanitarium move ment for Dodge, Fond du Lac and Washington counties held by many vanished when the county board of Fond du Lac county recently voted to purchase a 45 per cent interest in the Sunnyview tuberculosis sanitarium near Oshkosh. The three counties mentioned, two years ago agreed upon a tri-county sanitarium and carried out the Math. Beisbier spent a few liminary work therefore, but broke when it came to the selection of a 1 site.

Expression of sentiment by present is spending a few days with the Os- delivered a Ford roadster to Hilbert members Gritzmacher of the town of Wayne, and other of leaders the Dodge county board in the county Beisbier and A. C. Runte and a 1 ord roadster to Harvey Keller ernment, indicate that the movement in this vicinity have fin- been abandoned. It is likely has for a tuberculosis sanitarium not that in Camila Driessel of ished haying and are now busily en the near future Dodge county will es months. Advertising Kates on Appli- kee spent last Friday with her parents gaged in cutting grain.

The crop this tablish such an institution exclusively is indeed a heavy one and the for its own Times of ths East." Bangkok lias been called waukee spent several days this week Washington. Mr. Guth looked after of the The Menam river is the great trading street of the city. Floatin': house' do a Adeline and son Harvey and Miss Ale- vor, Mrs. Simon and daughter, Eva, business through opening Martha Marx and family and Monday after having spent several ward the channel, where pass tlie shoppers in almost every conceivable It is but HOL- sort of craft.

These range from great number of our citizens were at ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA steamships to the Sunday with Gustav Diels and I Bend Thursday afternoon, where for Headaches and Constipa- pelled by novitiate' and from the they heard Senator LaFollette speak, tion. Women strongly recommend it. Immense nee boats to canoes family visited Sunday with relatives which carry the postmen. 14 en there at Lomira. LOCAL HAPPENINGS vacation with Mrs.

Martha Marx and Miss Lydia Guth of here, and Mr. and residents of floating houses. These, sota Louis Guth, Elwyn Romaine, are the river-going cafeterias serving Mrs. Geo. Romaine of New Prospect too, are chih M' equipped with tiny tive the latter part of last week.

erman Gilbert was at and Herbert Holz of Milwaukee spent stoves Perhaps the most colorful -Base ball tomorrow (Sunday). West Bend Monday afternoon Sunday with the Aullenbacher river is the water market, where spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. each tiny boat with its cargo of food hears a little lamp. The market hours midnight are from until early Mrs.

Theodore Schmidt was a Mil- and Wednesday with relatives at Mil- toed to Ripon and Green Lake where morning. And during that period the they visited with relatives and friends market section of the river ily and Alvin Volm visited Sunday bles a fairyland with it' myriad glim family spent Sunday afternoon with i and Mrs. Albert Hron and merino National Geographic West Bend. and children Anton Theusch and family near St. family motored to Sturgeon Bay and Society Bulletin.

Yellow Writing Best. Oculists have often called attention to the fact that the are easily Sallesbury of Milwaukee i Misses Dorothy Schoofs and I' Harris. Mr. and Mrs. George Falk and fatigued by the refli tlon from white haus spent Sunday afternoon with pa; er.

especially when the surface is under a strong light. Since green is known to be the color most restful and family at West Bend. Miss Mabel to the eyes. It is a common practice Braun remained there for an extended I kee spent several days this week in the Bend, Dorothy Schacht of Milwaukee, to use wall papers and draperies of visit. that color in libraries and private Fred H.

Buss and daughter daughter Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. studies. For writing paper however, family of Kewaskum and Mr.

and given is an unsatisfactory color. It imparts a reddish appearance to the writing and makes it hard to read Yellow writing paper la not open to tures ever put on the screen are ad- the same objection. In strong vised to go to the Kewaskum Opera years residing in the district, 106 boys light It Is softer than pure House on Sunday evening, July Beisbier, Aloysius Runte, and 118 girls. This shows an increase paper, and in artificial light is not and see Down too dark. letters Black on a yellowish Mary Jacobitz received word Oackgronnd show clear and distinct.

home Monday from their trip in the last week of the marriage of Miss Many mathematicians use yellow Henrietta Stimes, formerly assistant paper in figuring long and difficult visited the Albert Knuth family. The ton Koerble spent Sunday at big principal of the Kewaskum High calculations, and many writers have trip was made in their Chevrolet car. F. Greve, Conrad Bier and dar Lake with George Martin and School, to Mr. George Hocken of adopted it for manuscripts.

It has cago. The couple are now on their the additional merit of cheapness Embarrassing Moment. Embarrassing is an Inadequate way and Mrs. Jas. Hort of Fond by his wife who visited with her to describe the soul-freezing sixty sec- 1 to Gustav Konitz and Emilie du Lac, Uelavia Brandhof of mother, Mrs.

Emma Altenhofen, and onds in which I realized that by the Misses Anna Martin and Leona i spectable lady nearing of a July 29, 30, 31, Aug. 5, 6, 7 and 12, Kiessig, who visited with them until prominent citizen and mother of a 1922, to Chicago and return for the freshman and junior (thank heaven, ill have another fox i they will never know) was not A new company to be known ing that I actually was sitting in my accustomed pew at church, my head attend this attractive and educational Winter to 1.25 of $160,000. The company reverently bowed in prayer and my exposition held on wonderful 1.10 to 1.2 5 Alice Hafemeister of and daughter Cleophas of Cleveland, chased the Loomer farm of 88 acres eyes slowly, surely convincing my Municipal Recreation Pier, over three shocked and dazed intelligence that miles of exhibits representing almost Lillian Meyer of California. to start out early next spring with 200 under my correct suit locket every phase of industrial Rye 1....... A in Backus and family of Miss Lydia Schneider and Theodore pairs of foxes purchased from John was no companion skirt, lust one of commercial, mercantile and profession- Oats Niemann, the owner of the original staple black fatal ring of the phone as I was cannot move his bees from hasty grabbing afterward of jacket, Bigger and better than last season.

isited with Math. Beisbier Washington County, and has left for one place to another without first hat ami Bible. Merciful heavens! I can no longer upon those bar- I ply to ticket agents, Chicago North 1 Beans, per so. E. R.

Zinders, who until recently I rowing moments. I realize now why Western 7 22 4t Hides (calfskin) lived on a farm north of Clyman. the heroes of battles will not retail its American. No Set Time for Best Work. Thomas Carlyle had a room nuBt in his house in Chelsea with double I du Lae Sunday where they attended just issued a new special delivery wall, so that lie could not hear any main pastime of the afternoon.

At 6 lai number from here attend- the funeral of Mrs. Wilhelmina Wer-. i stamp which will replace the present! of the noise from outside, and in P. a luncheon was serv- Spring stamp, known as the issue of 1902. room he wrote French on the lawn which added very much lution.

Gautier, on the other hand, anu Mrs. Jack Tessar visited son Aloysius and Mr. and Mrs. Frank I the stnmp now in use and is printed in could not think well unless he was in included the guests: Mar- a newspaper odice where there was lots of noise and racket going on. I 1 a motor cycle parked against the curb hiimnn brail, gets acctis omed each lay rgia Schmidt, Viola Casper.

aches, backaches, indigestion, voters of Hartford at a with the special delivery messenger! to 1 certain lime tor on ami a Schmidt of Milwaukee. Sarah Stark i Take ROCKY a letter. This new stamp works better and is mole a 1 and Mrs Hubert Wittman and 160 000 graded school. The work or will not be delivered to postmasters i that time than an) dm- ui ihe Cleophas Franz of Cleveland. Clio 1 Sunday with relatives at! mnstrictrng same will be started early the present supply of the 9 1 hours I nd Betty and Charlotte Lay.

THE RACE AGAINST TIME Kewaskum, Wisconsin McCORMICK-DEERING LINE KEWASKUM STATESMAN EARBECK SCHAEFER. PUBLISHERS Altered as second-class mail matter at the ear Koerble family. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS per year: $1.00 for six W'hen business is dull, go after it. waukee last week Friday with Start earlier in the morning, and zuork later in the I A IN SCHEDULE GOING SOUTH 2:34 p. da Mertes spent Sunday at Mayville.

returned to their homes at Chicago No. 7:35 p. m. No only 11:19 m. Mr.

and Mrs. John Marx and days with the I. S. Aaron family. GOING NORTH No.

9:00 a m. No. 12:30 tn. .2 m. A18B a 1R8KMWO8K monthly stock fair next I she attended the funeral of John i family at Richfield.

week ednesday. Wm. N. Klumb was a Mil- visitor Monday. a kee visitor Monday.

Marie Kudek spent Sunday th Miss Helen Theusch. Tuesday at Milwaukee. Lay of Theresa was a easant village caller Tuesday. Wm. Olwin of West Bend 1 tion at the Jack Daul resort at Mer- and Mrs.

Carl H. Pruter. 'bent Saturday in the village. as a village caller on Wednesday Ruth of West Bend are Mrs. Henry Marquardt motored to Ce- Clark of Fond du Lac was isiness caller in the village Friday.

Attorney G. A. Kuechenmeister of Foerster, traveling sales- the Lutheran church there. Bend was a village caller Mon- Marx of Milwaukee was a eek-end visitor under the parental Kudek spent Tuesday Wednesday with relatives at Fond i at Loyal, Wisconsin. du Lac.

Casper of Newburg was a est of the S. N. Casper family last I Friday with his mother, Mrs. Caspei children between four and twenty Saturday. Jos.

Opgenorth of West Bend was Peasant village caller Sunday morning. Adela Dahlke left Monday gle River and Three Lakes. a vacation at the sin Dells. iam Endlich motored to Fond du family at the Stagy resort. Lac Tuesday.

ss Elizabeth Martin is visit- the George Martin family at edar Lake. a marriage license was issued er of here. Bath and family and Gre- visited at the Frank Har- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beisbier spent Sunday.

L. P. Rosenheimer and chil- Mrs. William Lorenz at Grafton. en spending a vacation tar Lake.

-pent Sunday with the Math. Ohio spent Tuesday at Milwaukee family. spent Sunday with Mr. and and Mrs. John Steichen of signed her position as county nurse of family Wednesday.

harles E. Krahn spent i ed. the forepart of the week with atives at Milwaukee. I he Kewaskum Electric Light I ming Construction company which with him eight colonies of bees. He 'ri light poles along.

i be used for cementing of iin street this week. Nick Kohn. George Russell and I dn Lac were vil-, Miss Elizabeth Weimer were at post office department has ige callers Wednesday. it 11 picnic and dance at ner. tonvine last Sunday.

Mrs. Edward Thomas at Lorge of West Bend spent Sunday blue ink. The central design is the Cedar Lake Sunday. 's- Frank Schneider of West. i family.

th Mr. and Mn schools and family. t.uc and Menasha. I spring- I ta the' Hiss Maj. tgne Oshkos i I left Sunday on their annual fishing of Kewaskum.

I trip to pond. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Henry Driessel. and Mrs.

Edwin Zirbel of yield will be a big one. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glander. Mr.

and Mrs. Otto Miller of Mil with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Remmel. Mrs.

Geo. Kippenhan, daughter ily spent Sunday at small Cedar Lake. West Ruth Marx and brother Har- C. i ry of Milwaukee are spending their family. I I Heider.

Mrs Groeschel and daugh- 1 ter, Mrs. Leo Vyvyan spent I waukee. and Mrs. Joseph Theusch and 1 during the past week. 1 Michaels.

Dr. Wm. N. Klumb and John Wit- zig left Tuesday for a week vaca- cer, Wis. spending a week vacation with the Schoofs family.

man for Goll Frank of Milwau- i village on business. returned home last week Saturday from a two visit with ron Brandt and family Sunday. George Brandstetter of Athens, spent last week Thursday and Brandstetter and family. Eddie Dreher and Edward Ramthun are spending a vacation at J. H.

Martin and family and Nor and Mrs. Erwin Koch, Mrs. wedding trip to Yellowstone Park. A. G.

Koch, Arthur Koch and Miss Co- rena Schaefer spent Sunday with the Ed. Seip family at Milwaukee. kee and Murdy Brandt spent Tuesday with Byron Brandt and family. and Mrs. Edward Schield and Tuesday.

Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and farm. and Mrs. Otto E. Lay, Mrs.

H. as J. Lay of here and Mrs. A. J.

Franz capital Meyer Oshkosh spent Saturday eve ning with Chas. Brandt and wife. Augusta M. Gehrs has Milwaukee, where she will be employ- curing a permit from the state to car-loads of cement were re removed to Watertown taking unloaded here this week by the Froem-1 Mrs. Katie Endlich and sister; of five dollars and the costs.

and Mrs. Charles Laufer and The new stamp is of the same size as, with Mr. and Mrs. S. N.

Casper and ial meeting decided to build a new deHverintr ADVANCE MIL OF 4 Percales, Chailies and Cretonnes although Cotton Goods are advancing we will give the Ladies of this community an ty to buy the above items at less than the lowest price quoted since 1914. For One Week Only we offer Every piece ot 36 inch percale in our store values from 21c to 25c, at per yard Every piece of 36 inch chaliies, values 20c, at per yard Every piece ol inch cretonne, values 21c to at per yard 19c 1614c 19c You will regret it if vou miss this opportunity L. ROSENHEIMER KEWASKUM, WISCONSIN this week with her daughter, Wm. Lorenz at Grafton. Kewaskum Motor Company and Mrs.

John F. Schaefer, Misses Lydia Guth and Lilly Strube and L. D. Guth spent Monday at Port of icial business while there. Mrs.

Simon Gellick and son Tre- Otto H. Miller and family of Mil- waukee, Mrs. Jacob Remmel of here and Mrs. Fred Groth of Jackson au- Baileys Harbor last Saturday after- noon returning home Sunday. While at Baileys Harbor they visited with Mr.

I and Mrs. Robt. Falk and son darburg Sunday where they visited relatives and also attended services at Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Klein of West Mr. and Mrs. Paul Backhaus and Bachman and family visited with By- Lydia Guth has completed taking the school census for the year ending June 30, 1922. There are 224 of two (2) over last vear total. Gottsleben of Okauchee spent Sunday with relatives here.

He was accompanied home the same day the Federal Silver Fox Farm Inc. was on June 26 organized with a paid from the Kletsch holdings and expect fox farm in that village. was arrested charged with violation the state law and Justice Schmutz- ler of Watertown made him pay a fine front of a colonial residence, showing i I 'ss is exhauste I. WAYNE Philip Arnet and sister, Mrs. Kate Schaub spent Sunday at Lomira.

Mr. and Mrs. John Diels visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Muehlius and I Henry Schmidt left for to attend the funeral of a rela-1 I Mr.

and Mrs. George Kibbel i Christ. Schaefer at Kewaskum. Mr. and Mrs.

Emil Backhaus and daughter Vinelda spent Sunday ing with George Kibbel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kudek and with the Ben Werner family neat- George Kibbel and daughter Ottilie, Mrs. George Kibbel Sr spent Tuesday with Edwin Abel and family near West Bend.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Backhaus and daughter Vinelda and Mrs.

Wm. Wm. Schaub and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Jake Braun and fam- ily visited Sunday with Carl Mauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prost Wm. Kibbel of Allenton visited Sun day afternoon with George Kibbel and family. All lovers of the best motion pic-; Rudolph Miske and family returned nothern part of the state where they I REDUCED FARES TO CHICAGO AND RETURN VIA CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RY.

ACCOUNT PAGEANT OF PROGRESS EXPOSITION Reduced fares will be in effect on above occasion. Tickets limited to return within five days from date of sale, but not later LOCAL MARKET REPORT than August 15, 1922. Don't fail to al activity, and important departments will be devoted to art. science, music, White Clover seed per 100 20.00to 30.00 health, sanitation and welfare work. Eggs 22c For tickets and full information Unwashed 28 to 30 number of young folks were de- 1 Horse 2.50 to 3.00 lightfully entertained at the home of Honey, Mr.

and Mrs. O. E. Lay last Friday af- the occasion being their laughter eleventh birthday an- liversary. Outdoor games formed the Old the merriment of the occasion.

The Miller. Bernice Perschbacbet Bolen Schlosser. Kathryn Marx, Geo Harbeck. Grace Krahn. Ruth and Florence Rosenbei Bank of Kewaskum Kewaskum, Wisconsin 550,000.00 Surplus and Profits 550,000.00 Selected as a United States, State, County, Town and Village Depositary of Public Funds Good Banking in all its branches Live Poultry (Subject to change) Stop Constipation leads to all sorts of ailments, head TAIN TEA for constipation and you will sing its praises invariably get great results from Edw.

C. F. J. Lamback, M. I.

40c EYE, EAR, HOSE and THROAT BLASSES FITTED 10 a m. to 1 10 a. m. to Telephone 4 MMM. ME BCM ANTS MASUFACTUBEKS BASK BLK 15c HI IF st nilwaukee.

Wla. KEWASKUM HOSPITAL Open For All Physicians All cases accepted, including rical cases Phone 1612 KEWASKUM, WIS. fn- The NOW thousands of farms, the yearly race against time in the Barley fields is won with either a McCormick or a Deering Binder. These dependable machines operate steadily, with little danger of breakdowns and delay, besides the McCormick and Deering Binders, we carry a complete line of repairs for either machine. When in need of repairs give us a call.


Kewaskum Statesman from Kewaskum, Wisconsin (2024)


Is Kewaskum a town or city? ›

Kewaskum village, Wisconsin is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Wisconsin.

How many students are in Kewaskum School District? ›

Kewaskum School District is an above average, public school district located in KEWASKUM, WI. It has 1,789 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.

What does the name Kewaskum mean? ›

The name “Kewaskum” comes from a Potawatomi word which meant alternately “turning back on his tracks” or “retracing his steps.” Before the adoption of that name, the town of Kewaskum was known as “North Bend”. The Village of Kewaskum was known as “Myer's Mill”.

What's in Kewaskum, WI? ›

The town is a destination place for many, as it is home to a golf course, a ski hill, a wedding/concert venue, and the Kettle Moraine State Forest, with both the Ice Age Trail and the Eisenbahn Trail making their way through the town.

What time does Kewaskum school start? ›

District Mission Statement: The Kewaskum Community Schools ignite a passion for learning. 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

What division is Kewaskum High School? ›

Kewaskum High School is a member of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) and of the East Central Conference for most WIAA sports.

What is the mission of the Kewaskum School District? ›

The mission of the Kewaskum School District is to maximize its resources and assets to provide responsive instruction, foster strong relationships, engage the community, and model high expectations. Each one of our departments is committed to this mission, and proudly works daily to achieve its purpose.

Is Carrollton a town or city? ›

Located in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the City of Carrollton is a vibrant corporate and residential community. The City's location and business cost advantages attract and support a diverse local economy with over 15,000 businesses calling Carrollton home.

Is Granite City a town or city? ›

Granite City city, Illinois is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Illinois.

Is Gresham a town or city? ›

Gresham city, Oregon is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Oregon.

Is Woodburn a town or city? ›

Woodburn city, Oregon is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Oregon.


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.