Hianyon Lain Ditsun HOUSES UNFURNISHED 6200 4 Port gj atiimnjHuntiniiton Beach 4891 Newport Beach BY Owner. 4 2 BA. Glcnmorc. 2 Santa Ana 4927 SHORT ON TIME GAS? lo need to drive children to 3 schools, a skip to maior shop-mg Irom this charming California scp. din.
rm. big fam. rm. Beautifully cptd. drpd.
Many desirable amenities. Owners must move. F.P. just $78,600. Exc.
terms. 714979-6750 International R.E. Network BD. den, leads to outside garden sne. Private with lots of shade trees.
Open House Sat. Sun. 49A10. Call for appt. 714543-8472.
547-2372. 801 Clcmcnson N.E. Santa Ana, $94,500. SPACIOUS 2 story. 4 2 ba.
4 im. nr. so. ioasi riara. aprin-crs frontroar, lovelv oool wlols of decking.
Indscpd. for lo maint. Only 343-000 Siivurado Canyon 4931 MOOJESKA Canyon by own. Fanlastic South Laouna 4933 180" Immcd. Whitewater view.
3 27 U.T.. superb cusi. 12S5.UUU. West CoastPaciTic R.t. 83 1 -2600 Tuttln 49)2 A "Real" Estate Fantastic North Tuslin home on most sought after street.
$215,000 buys 4 bedrooms. 3 balhs. family game room, pool and on and on Exceptional for the hard to please executive. red hill 544-4900 REALTY 18002 Irvine Tuslin UFO Utterly fantastic offer. Super area and super house.
4 bedrooms, 2 story home. Ready to make your family truly happy and comfortable. Call now and we fl be happy to show you. Priced at $90,000. red hill 544-4900 REALTY 18002 Irvine Tustin COWAN HEIGHTS Spectacular 3 years young 4 bedroom, dining room, family room home on quiet view site.
Soaring DON OSEN REALTORS 17771 17lh.Tuslin 731-3111 VACATION Year 'round in TROPICAL ANAUibt. me bargain you've Dccn Tor in rffiir.ihlf fnothill hioh area. 4 king-size formal oinmg. lamny pool, urtra BY OWNER. 3 2 pool, new' usi.
oecor. vrzn iivi lint Dr. (near Prospect Fairhaven) 771- 2293 or 494 5353 OPEN HOUSE. 13652-F Rcdhill Ave. bat.
i bdrm. Deauty. lusi. wood dbl. pool $41,900.
Kr.piy. gjd Utiu, 544 5 bo TUSTIN POOL HOME Westminster 4946 JUST LISTED And will not last. Super nice 3 2 Da. nomc wirc. aoocu lamny quiet sircci in rooo westminsier Calf now! Int'l.
R.E. Network 963-0891 BRAND new. highly upgraded, cor. lot 2 5 BR -4 BA for. frplc.
714848'9867 848 8063 Yorba Unda 4947 Large Elegant On Golf Course central air professionally- lanoscauco. iuihu nri TOT AM lutstandinc value at Estate Realty 528-1111 HORSE PROPERTY Alicia Hills Realtors 768 8911 1750 of luxury living. 3 2 a. rancn siyic. many Duisianoing features.
Cul de sac street. By appt. $66,500. Owner. 524-1456.
Open aai. io o. if iO roicy unvc. YORBA Linda. 2350 sq.
ft. $81,500. April 9, 1977 Fountain Vallay 4884 CATHEDRAL CEILINGS Enhance the natural charm of this elegant Park Royal home. 4 2 2 patios a modern wife-saver Int'l. R.E.
Network 963-0891 BEAT the decorators save! Famous seasons nomc, dir 4 torn. rm. wfplc. sunken hv. form.
2 sly. wcov. walk across balcony heavy shake roof. Ftn. Valley's finest loc.
Princ. only. Bkr.own. $99,000. Shown by appt.
only. 714554 3061 714962-6560 EASTER SPECIAL 5 bdr. prize. Spacious master bdr, hideaway with 250 balcony. Cul-de-sac.
comm. pool rcc. facilities. OpcnHousc Sat. Sun.
By a LG. 3 bd. den. Lovely decor. Huge cov.
patio. Lot has boat or Irfr. access. Great loc. nr.
schls.fwy. Only $71,990. Century 21 Sea Brcwc 963-6708 Fullerton 4825 HANDYMAN SHED Plus Workshop in Garage Remodeled up dated 4 bedroom. 2 bath homo. 220 wiring, easy care new Moor, paneling, sprinkler sys lsrHJarKCD-itio, olnct extras.
Asking $58,900. Submil terms. Ready for immed. occupancy. Owner 525 4972 ONE of O.C.'s finest areas.
inoRnifi home wa pool, overlooking roll Garden Grove 4389 IMMAC. 4 lu fam. rm. Cul-dc sac. nr.
schools. Cov. palio. $65,500. conv.
OwncrARt. 530- BY owner. Nice A clean 2 br. house. New crpts.
drapes, lenced vd. 10201 lusscll. $39,950. 870 6960 Huntington Beach 4891 BARGAIN TODAY PROFIT TOMORROW on this super sharp 4 2 ba. home.
Good location nr. schls. shopping, bike to Ihc beach. This home has a Irc. covered enclosed patio.
4 good sued a irc. I.imilv kilrhen it in hf.tnliliil rnniti. lion inside out. Try to beat this one at only bs.yoo, uon't wait, tan Int'T. R.E.
Network 963-0891 Park Huntington SUPER SHARP! POOL! Beautiful corner "Catalina" 2 story. 2650 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths.
Paneled, dm shed bonus room. pool $122,500. Call KEYS' KEYSTONE REALTY 897-1044 BEST BUY IN AREA! Fantastic Pool $111,900 You'll drool when you sec this 4 bedroom beauty. Family room with wet bar. Upgraded carpel mg.
cuslom rapes. Calhcdral ccilinRS. Pool 3ZUHI. too! Many extras. Walk to beach.
Cal KEYSTONE REALTY 897 1044 LEVEL GOLDEN WEST ESTATES Owner transferred. Upgraded 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, formal dining room, separate sunken family room wiih wet biir fireplace. 3 car Range. Only 3 mos.
old. Landscaping sprinklers in. $121,000. Call KEYSTONE REALTY 897 1044 SPRING SPECIAL Grcal pool home with fircring lots of decking. Only a mile from ocean.
nupc nupe lamny room, formal dining room 3 car garage. Great for family living. Only $110. 000. ROBERTS REALTY 714848 1688 213592 2881 SEACLIFF ESTATE 2 BLKS.
TO BEACH! tennis. $132,500. CALL NbW" Agent PARK HUNTINGTON Lath Plaster 1 Story 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, carpels drar IIKEYSTONE REALTY 897-1044 BEAUTIFUL 1900 Sq. Ft.
4 2 home, on corner lot wRV access. Ideally located nr. park shoo. Minutes from Bch. $85,600.
Own Pnn. only. 714963 7213 LARGE beaultfullv decorated land scaped country style home. Open house Sat. i Sun.
1 5. 9402 uayiona. n.u. i i.uuu. Malloy Realtors 714963 9771 NEED FAST SALE On sharp 3 bdr.
in great local ion, $69,850 Skr. 847 8553 eves. 894 2697 SgV Stry. I1, BA. 6 yrs.
New. on cul- 893 8068 CONDO. clean 3 I'r din upgraded, pool, 'i mi. to harbour sue ppi nr. uwncr.
Krinc. only. 840 1730 COUNTRY End sotrat stai case, pegged oak floors, leaded glass; 12. By 842-7517 2 STORY 3br.2'iba.. family forr .1 BD nr.
he.ich wfrnl X. shake roof. Nicely decorated. Only $69,500. Century 21 Sea Brccfc 963-6708 4Bd.
T-hse. Owner. $51,900 Brookhursl Adams 963-9121 miles from ocacn. by appt. 96B- OWNER.
4 2 ba. wlrg. patio. .71. 500, 646-6347 5 BDR.
home nr. beach on cul-de-sac, approx. 2300 sq. I rm. $92,600.
By owner. Huntington Harbour 4893 CHRISTIANA BAY FRONT. Lgo. Tennis tsiaic lownnome. oa.
with boat si id. tennis, oool Inc. baysidc patio. $211,500. Compare this value with any olher bayfront.
perry n.t. iRwttsai atrium Irg. upper sun deck. Fac. inci.
lenn is. pool, REDUCED TO $55,500 Open House Sat. only. Hln. Hrb.
only. hir. nra. 1200 sq. ft.
714846-2325 Irvine 4895 WOODS RIDGE Arhor L.ike townhousc. prcmium nr. lake beach. Zi irpic. sq.
cusi. up grades. $125,000 by own. Avail, mio April aft. escrow closes.
Mr. Bed dome 7145466B50 cve.wknd, 545-9215 BRIARCUFF, 2 br, Super location upgraded. $111,500. Good terms WOODBRIDGE Arhor Lake "Wood- Side, bupcr water view' uptracd. 3 ba.
den fam. rm. 1 step to lake sandy beach. $144,000. lease or oplion.
Owner. 552-7133 BY owner. Greentroo Homes. Cam bridge mdl. 3br.
siudv, atrium, loa. air. cov. palio $9.500 551-548 Laguna Hills 4898 LEISURE WORLD. Ig.
3 bd.2 ba. 768-4322. 768 0203 lagima Higuol 4901 OCEAN BREEZES sea coast with 139 It. frontage. 4 Bdrms.
Formal dine. Umauc wine FOREST OLSON Realtors 2 STORY 3 formal library, den. oceansidc of priv. pool, tennis. HLAUI.
UttUKAItU 2 2 lovely patio. View at clubhouse wpool. $87,500. JayW. Yeats Co.
499-2237 FOOTHILLS" near the Sea. X- model. 3 2h tnhome. Cent. AC, loaded wxtras.
Comm. pool, lacuni. Minutes to U.C.I.. AirDart. Rural setting, nestled in hills.
$84.950 Own.Brk. 714495-6789 BY OWNER. Pacific Island Village. aouii comm. i i'? Da.
corner. Forever view, rofng. wiccmaker. dryer, pool. cath.
ccilinRS. $89.500. 493 8244 BY Own. Below market. Xlnt.
terms. Lovely, sunny home, immoa. occuDancv. 3 2- ba. Nr.
everv thine recreational. 24882 Monte Verde 714499 1625: 495 4375 PANORAMIC view of Saddleback from hilltop Highland Home. 3 fam. dm. clubhouse nod privileges $84.700.
Owner 831 -34661 RANCHO NirucI Townhomcs. 2 3 112 Hillhurst Drive 714S31-3192 La Habra 4902 High on a Hill 2080 Ardsrieal This large 4 BR. custom built home has a loT to oiler. A fantastic view of Urangc county, over an acre oi lano. Priced at $139,000.
Kerr Realtors 992-4500 LA HABRA HEIGHTS EXECUTIVE HOME 190 view from most everv room Catalina to El Toro. Priv. security gaic. i siory tam. dm.
upgraded cstm. drps. Wet bar too! A must sec! Won't last. SI 65.000. TOM KEY REALTY 714879 8182 Lake Forest 4903 ON HILL ABOVE LAKE Large, newly decorated condo.
4 br. 2'? fam. rm. wall unit, rcdwd. panelling.
Big LAKE BY Owner. Fully upgraded Encc.Homc, 3 den. 2h ba. 3 car gar. ooai cus 1.
covered palio rcc. club fac. $94,800 Pr. ply. 714581 0372 BY Own.
Lake Forest-Park Place model 314. 4 tarn. lorm. suoer Ic. 2 car btdc.
11 mos. young. $97,500 76S-5379 Mission Viejo 4911 TOP 0' HILL VIEW! Lovely 3 ll? ba. gem wlargc J66.90C Estate (A Keep your wife at home, be she sees this house, you'll have to buy it. 3 br.opt.
den. country 2 ba. upgrades. Beaut. Indscpd.
w2 cov. patios. $68,500. Princ. only.
Owner 8310735 wkdays, 547-6482 PUBLIC NOTICE Musinn Vifin A Ft Tom T.ikn over pymts. NO QUALIFYING NO BffXs COST. RANCH! 3 2 fam. rm. upgrades, air, nrnf Indvrvt A.
m.tnw men mlr.n $88,900. Owner 830 6227 WESTMINSTER 3 fam. room. shac fncd.i yard, sprinklers $385 Own 6B B328, YORBA LINDA I Throw Awav The Lawnmower 1 3 bd. den.
Maint. free. auto, gar. dr. opener.
Xlnt. cond. $400 mo. Immcd. occupancy.
Agt. 970- YORBA Linda, $700. lease new 4 i oa, nomc on equestrian (ran, zoned for 6 horses. 213691-9969 $450 in Cosla Mesa. 3 den, l1? ipic.
ige. ya. scnoois. shopping, churches parks. Ppty.
it343-BB $450 3 br. den townhousc. cypress vniage. sat. an a ay, sun.
after 1 p.m. 714893 1614 APT. FUR. ORANGE CO. 6850 Anaheim 6852 0AKW00D GARDEN APTS.
772-4500 APT. EAST SO. 7400 Lang Baaeli 7435 Free Rent Until May 1 Aril ill tnSr Hilirpnt A nrffor! rco renicrs. zjij uiji APT. CO.
7850 Anthoim 7852 2 Story Garden 2 Ih pots. $265 own. 635-4396 Bums Park 7865 $400 4 2h BA. 2 STY. HAD vhultorv nnnl Nn nrK (213)869-4306 (213)585 2103 Caplstrnno Baach 7867 2 lb ba.
nr. ocea diuiis. Dcacn, con. irpic, uw. iianp balcony.
$290. Own. 496 0357 Costa Mesa 7812 Exciling New Concept! Adult Lakeside Living SMALL PETS ACCEPTED BAClOTWSCmROOr, 2 BEDROOM FROM $220 Mesa Verde East Adams COSTA MESA 540-1800 Garden Grove 7889 NEW 2 bdr. studio, Ih bit. ins, air conn.
mo. I patio. 13101 Coast St. Huntington Beach 7891 5,350 3 HR.2 ircDl. alio cnciasco garage, near ocacnsnqp pinR.
Nice area, hp. 714551 5682 Huntington Harbour 7893 HARBOUR LIGHTS A prestigious communily for Sophisticated Adults in a private little world away from busy boulevards Located in exclusive HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 16700 SAY0ROOK LANE Spac. 1 2 Br. Den from $250 Enchanlmg gardens with streams Iish ponds. Bi level clubhouse, pool.
JacuHi. sauna, gym. fireplaces, and air conditioning. The Harbour's only apt. complex Pac.
Cut Hwv. to Warner la A I con quin. Oft S.D. Fwy. Eml Bolsj Chica Irvine 7895 PARK West.
Hesorl-stvlc livinc tni families a. aouns. ncnis irom ia mo. 714552-9200 lake, stream or goll course. From $260.
20 PcrRola.lrvine 559 1 100 Laguna Beach 7897 SPACIOUS studio has evervlhincr. JZZb. inci. utus. Adults.
Ukr. 14 93 3611 Newport Beach 7913 WATERFRONT VIEWS IN NEWPORT Striking design and an elegant exciting way to live. Choose lofts. bay windows, skylights, fire places. Your own private patio or balcony.
A friendly million-dollar rec. center. Tennis courts, too. Luxury adult rentals from $400 monthly 200 Promontory Dr. West Just north of Jamboree on Pacific Coast Highway.
Tele phone 714675-8000. Owned and managed by The Irvine Company. YOU CAN AFFORD NEWPORT BEACH Park Newport Enioy $750,000 Spectacular Spa. 8 miles of bike trails, putting shuffle' Junior l's Irom S249.50 Also: 1. 2 3 Bdrm.
Apartments and Townhouscs Optional Maid Service For leasing information f714) 644-1900 NEWPORT HEIGHTS New 2 2bri.no pels $325 642.2164 or 673 0782 Orange 7917 LUXURY 1 br. condo. Lakes, strcai tennis, pool, sauna. Jacum. S296, Pn.plv.
997-5691 A winning combination visra gtiaGo 5411 GET AWAY FROM IT ALL! Under construction 3 bdr. lam. Ige. lot, rm. lor trlr.
boat. Across the street from lake. Hurry choose vour own tiles, crot. drapes. Security gate.
Must be snown oy orxr. oniy. uniy Red Carpet Realtors 714874-1432 IHOME on waterfront. 3 2 waterirontlioil course icw LOTS avail. Leasine STORES 1000 so.
II. each. R.E. salesperson needed. Listing wanted.
Ralph Bates. Loroy Carter R.E. 714-679-5g49 Palm Vicinity 5473 Acres in Bear Valley Springs. 772-79261 CENTRAL NO. CALIF.
5550 Sacraminto Vicinity 5565 ELEGANT HISTORIC HOME wet bar, game lov. tncd. in pool cabana area, etc. etc. Asking $125,500.
Ph. collect 714545 5050 or write 17921-C Sky Park Circle. COUNTRY, RANCH PROP. 5600 Grovoi Orchirdj 5602 CHOICE 5 ACRES! Newly planted groves. 525 trees, dnp irrigation, delu.c Rancho Catil.
InhLANUUrrlUt 714676.5706 9 YR. OLD AVOCADO ovo. gorecous 5 acres prime ca. 7 miles north ol FALLBROOK. THE LAND OFFICE 7146765706 Horse Ranches 5606 HORSE RANCHES We have horse ranches from 2 acres to 300 acres lacilil.es for I to 750 horses.
Prices Irom $20,000 to $1,900,000 THE LAND OFFICE WORKING RANCH 1 ac. ranch with barns A corrals ready lor your animals. Lgc. 4 br. ranch hm.
wmany xtras. All fori $82,500. Farmer's R.E. 996 554C OUT OF STATE PROP. 5700 Hawaii 5711 ROOMS 6100 Rentals to Share 6148 HOUSES FURNISHED 6150 LAGUNA BEACH.
Beach front condo available immcd. bupcr uniimilcd ocean 2 2 huge ocean ing. furnished and ready for occupancy. Mm. 3 mos.
lease includes utilities, $900 monthly Mr. Watson. William Powell Real Estalc 714497- or Aquarian Kcauy 3111 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 6200 ANAHEIM: Loara High. 3 Ih BA. BUENA Pk.
Brand nu "Parkwood." upgraded. 4 3 ba. Or ark! Blt.tns. end. car.
Sill Keith Green. $495 mo. Own, 552-7133 COSTA Mesa Nr. Mesa Verde C.C. 4 2'7 study, nu pnt.
Ihruout. $650 mcl. nrrihr JE.u.Mr CVun dfi.7fi1Q DANA POINT. Sharp! mi, Irom yard. 2-c'ar gar'-'Own.
7'l463'6 0974 DIAMOND Bar. Attractive clean 3 yr. oio conao. i'? da, Hvan. immed.
Air. 2 car auto, dr, opener, patio, across from pool. $35mo. deposit, Own. FOUNTAIN Valley.
New 3 lgc. patio, cul'dc-sac. $'495, $54 2662 Own. FOUNTAIN Valley quiet cul dc sac. 3 lacai ioc- nr.
scnis. Irwys. No pets. $410, 714554-2023 FULLERTON. 29 5 Lovelv 2br 2ba.
port, air cond. 879 2135. 990 1 1 1 1. FULLERTON SUNNY HILLS Baft. 5 p.n GARDEN Grove.
3 2 frplc. 539 1295 HUNT. Bch. Condo. 3 2 (urntsnca or uniurn.
rooi. upen Own. 536 4596 eve. HUNTINGTON Beach Condo, $475 yrs. oio.
jacuzi. pool. 2 super nice. 213869 2007 Bob. HTG.
Bch. 4 2 I pic. patio. $400, 962 4079. 538-4088 eve! Uwn, HUNT.
Bch. 2 br. condo. walk to tennis, poo tacui. 33 mo.
Own. 960 3776. 675 5231 wk. HUNT. Harbour Low rent to good ocean.
Won't last. Own. 892 3590 HUNT. Bch. 3 2 ba.
condo. Pri. orpj. a pool. ijwj.
uwn 72-6657 anytime: 968 0531 aft. 5 provided. $400. please call 551 3046 IRVINE. 2 sly.
2 2 ba. condo. facilities, IRVINE lease Woodbndgc Estates. Hoams '7 iam. room.
$550 fop. Own. 552-4975 WEST. nr. UCSD unit 89, 1325 Sq.
fl. $440, Pr.pty. 714 136 0764 eve. LA Habra. 3 bdr.
mcl. mstr. I1 oisp range, osnwsnr. lowcii hi School. Gardener walcr od.
$395 mo. Owner. 714528 0532 LAKE Forest, wooded cucc. hideaway new 4 tarn. oonus irpic.
wci Dar. vaunca ceilings, i cai auto. auto tennis, pool. S6QO 644 8585 752 7891 Own LAKE Forest, beaut, exec, home. spacious i iam, am.
den. tennis, swimming. $575 per mo. Own. 752 6030.
835 7850 LAKE FOREST ON THE LAKE New 4 3 b.v. wet bar. AC. Tennis. Pool.
Boat priv. $485. Call COUCCt. Kr.ply. AIAZ il.
MISSION Viejo. Nr. Saddleback Col patio. 2 car AC. MISSION Vicio Hillside view home cisnwasner.
paiio upRrnocs thruout. $385. Own. 543 4095 NEWPORT Beach, rent i B.R.. 3 liv.
din. gar rm. $650 per mo. da. 213 262 61 Ext.
1763. Eve. 714 990 21 NEWPORT Bch. Baycrest area. 4 bdr.
SAN Clemcnlc $350mo. New 2 3. uai ok. warn 714-536 0833 SANTA Ana nr. So.
Coast Plara Pino- woods Home, wirpic. a sunken liv. room. Xlnt. loc.
nr. Irvine uompicx, parK, scnoois snops. $450lsc. Own. 962 4276 TUSTIN.
Deluxe 3 3 AC. lgc. palio. nunc msir. service Rorcn pool.
gym. sec. gate, dhild OK. 375. 714S3B629B Owner.
lot. Bc'sl lease in town at S45b. Ask for Gloria, agent: 544490O superb location. of with DATSUN 5 MORE REASONS TO BUY FROM COAST DATSUN IN LONG BEACH HERE NOW, 2 fabulous new cars from Datsun. 77 810 the'77 200-SX.
714842-2407 DATSUN LARGE SELECTION OPEN SUNDAYS 18B35 Bcith Rl Hnnltnrjtnn Rnirh 5400442 B4277BI DATSUN 1600 ROADSTER '67 tpcr rare! Xlnt. New top! (Scr.0530) Only $1695 GOLDEN WEST DAT. '73 210 Sacrifice Am raoio. spceo, duchci scats more. (253HHT) Don't worry if you arc: SHORT OF CASH OR CREDIT DIAL CHEVROLET 213773 5482 DATSUN 280-S260V24O-S immodi aic Delivery inci.
s. Largest 15300 Beach Westminster Datsun '69 510 Wgn. $995 nice uoani (x i H244) COSTA MESA AMC JEEP DAT. '77 280Z. full facl.
equp. $146 mo. jo mo. utL. rcsio.
touu. cap. cost $7800. (Scr.2137) Shorecrcsl. DAT.
-7i 70 air, mags, amfm tape stereo, rear ww covr. $6700. 374PJK) Pr.ply. 714998 8899 DAT. 75 710 wgn.
Make monlhly 53NBR) Gateway Ford 213-782- DATSUN '75 B210 Halchback. am im. a spew, (izlkui iyyb HERB FRIEDLANDER 10081 Garden Grove BI. 537-5464 DATSUN. New '76 710 Demonstrator Air, pinstripes, ami-m.
(bcr.juzi Call Abe King. GARDEN GROVE DATSUN 839 7000 DATSUN '76 280Z. 4 air. mags DATSUN '74 260Z. Platinum, air 15300 Beach DAT.
'74 B210 amfm. air. DATSUN-Authorized Dealer ECONO AUTO CENTER RIVERSIDE 71468861 10 DAT. '72 2 dr. cpe.
Make monthly (960MKR) Gateway Ford 213-782- Dat. 71 510 4 spd.nu paint Pr.pty. (592DFP) 213597-7639 DATSUN 1971 240Z. $3000 (740GIV) PR.PTY. 673 1504 DATSUN.
New 77 210. 4 spd. (Scr. DATSUN Jale Save more than ever mru April on every car. Newport Datsun 714833-1 300 DAT.
72 1200. 40 MPG. 4 rjoui iiics. io ini. iouuoir.
rypiy. O3t-300 1 033 EMU) DAT. '76 280Z 22. all extras, iim mi. ju.
Must sen. (243PHV) Pr.pty. 832 9663 DAT. 73 240Z. 4 AMFM.
air. CLOSEOUT 76 CLEARANCE LAST CHANCE! EXAMPLE: BRAND NEW 1976 AUDI 100LS Auto-Air-2 Dr. Sedan (Scr.032848) NEW 1976 AUDI lOOLS's 2 NEW 1976 FOX WAGONS 4 WN 1976 FOX SEDANS 1 DEMONSTRATOR (Eapzi) 4911 CASTILLE by owner. Appro. 400' sac view lot.
3 2 lam. landscaped. Open House Sat. Sun. 10-4 $87.500.
By owner. 581-9533 BEAUTIFUL Aegean Hills. Apollo rm. Owner. 25521 Classic Dr.
Open house 1 1 to 5. Sat. Sun. BY Owner, 4 bd.3 bd. lam.
room iiranapa. nunc vara, upen oa, io-17. 26641 Morena 4950030 or 496-7987 BY owner. Belmonte 3 fam. ib.
naiio. pvt. lot all very clean, 2641 Monlccito Ln. 549 6608. 581' 9481 Open Sal.
12-4. Princ. only. S3- super decor. Open Hse.
Sa un. 120b. Many xtras. By Own 23891 Coruna 837-32; SPECIAL NOTICE ADULT Cfsta Del Sol Rosa 30. 2 B.R..
den. cus cpts. drps. 714768 8554 BARCELONA Charro. By owner.
3 landscpd. yds, Gas BBQ 581 6068 HIlfiF 3 El Vih. Vaulted ce.l iorm. t.tt.. criy.
au $89,500. gave by own. 830 4687 T1MBERLINE. 3 bdrm. guest den a oam nomcs.
rrom $86,900, Xlnt. terms. 7145BM27p WHEN you buy. sell or exchange Real 76B-5600 or 831-9050 Mowport Baach 4913 CANYON CREST ESTATES 3 2l huge home for luxurious executive living. 5 mm.
to airport, financial disf. beach 8-6663 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN Panoramic ocean view ovcrl k'g. all Newport Bay. ei! boat races, Xmas parade, sunrise, sunset, walk to Ihc beach. 3 3 den, wet bar.
2 2 car carport, decking, new thru out. BY OWNER OPEN HOUSE 1721 KING ROAD CALL 645 2818 or 645-5746 OCEANVIEW. 4 BDR. DEN BY OWNER. 2 3 ba.
Pool, sundeck. $225,000. Open House. 708 St. James Place.
645-2818 or 645-5746 NEW BLUFFS. "Dclorcs" model co nop. End unit, by owner. 56l Playa 714644-7901 Orange 4917 EXECUTIVE ESTATE 4 3 spacious nomc. Step down into sunken liv.
rm. with large brick Irpt. Formal din. rm, with elegant crystaf chandeliers. Winding stairway takes you to large bonus rm.
with magnificent view oi Newport Catalina Island. Corning stove in bright kitchen opening into large fam. rm. with frplc- sweeping view of pool sued yard. Bdr.
downstairs, 3 So. Calif Realty 546 5605 BY OWNER OPEN HOUSE Rambling ranch style home wcity light view. Expanded country kit. informal dining area. Liv.
rm. floor 10 ecu. irpic, UIJUSCU UCdlll ten. form. dm.
rm. wfrolc. 4 3 ba. den lam. rm.
Pool. Jacuzi. corral tor ponies. Green thumb garden. $205,000.
Open house at 19082 rowicr urangc. sitojj osao, 644-8824 wkdays. Mr. Bcgg. BROADMOOR ORANGE PARK n.irmLK 1 hrtrm 7 h.tlh f.imilv rm A rifn 7 Irnlev nn Ihc Like 714 997 7869.
Owner $132,000 Placerrtia 4919 San demente 4923 OMF SPECIALS! OCEAN VIEW. Upgraded and has its 2h baths. Lovely townhousc. Com mumty club house, pool. $68,500, Call 492-5434.
AFFORDABLE ESTATE The owners have really beautified tncir oca room. 2 bath home. The pool, the acre of grounds and the ocean view mane inis a rare i $115,250. Call 492-5 DANA VISTA. Srjacious 3 bedroom.
den. 2'? baths. High above the blue r-dciiic. uouuic garjKc. noouv room sun occhs.
use oi pool ana jacuri. Reduced to 493 5585. QBALHSTATfi (Hbomt. Mvfci ft Farfuson CANYON View. New 2 bdr.
1'a bath. MARINERS Point Maenif icenllv irom i3u.uuu, uan ndiim San Juan Caplstrano 4925 HACIENDA OCEAN VIEW Sweeping grounds, wrought iror gales arched file entry wclcorm uou lo authentic So.iniih Hioh nn hilltop. Country "Cantina." Sanquc' or i vale courtvard. Beamed ceilings i Itrcptacc. On acre ovcrlookmf Hurry! Call 831-3100 FOREST E.
OLSON Realtors BEAUT. 2 story. 4 bd. in Village San ijjan. HSKtnR3.w.
ayj 11. Capislrano valley Gallery ol Homes COUNTRY SETTING. Like new. 3 br. 4964999 I LOVELY 2 bedroom.
2 bath town The Village ol WxMlhridge IRVINE VILLAGES HitilonVlajo a a 7913 NEWPORT PRIVACY SECURITY OCEAN VIEW ELEGANT CLUB-SINGLES 2 BEDROOMS 901 Cagney Ln. Newport Beach (Corner of Hospital Rd. A Superior above Pacific Coast Hwy.) 714645-6242 WATERFRONT den, lux. apis. Hunt-ins Trash Compactor Wet Bar Fireplace Private Beach Plexiglass enclosed patios Smoke Detectors Slips avail, to tenants Starting at $695 919BaysidoDr.
71467 Yarba Linda 7947 Garden 2 3 Br. Palio. VACATION RENTALS 79S0 Beach Rentals 7953 SUNSET BEACH Lee. 2 near Colorado River Vic. 7963 2 BR.
turn, house. AC. nr. Davis uam or nnarina wsnp. cu oay.
day mm. Own. 533 4621.533-2071) Mountain Rentals 7967 ARROWHEAD con do. Quiet lakefront Enioy a weekend 714737 3244 I Mammoth. $15 wcchnight 2 BUSINESS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT 8000 PlINEY-Bowes mailing machine mod.
898-3555 Prply. Office Furniture 8011 MUST SELL, new-used, desks, 7145409482 Store-Rest-Bar Equip. 8018 BAR cqpt. Entire contents ol the Dcauuiui visia Lounge uar, in noor of the Hotel Del Coronado's Ocean Tower Bldg, Includes custom wooden bar back bar, dance floor, bar stools, tables, chairs, wood -paneling. Mirrors chandeliers, drapery, even custom carpeting.
Must be seen lo be appreciated. Open every mtc until For further information call 714435 6611 ext. 754 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 8100 Furniture 8106 6 Piece Span, slyle Bdrm. set. King sire iramc.
dox spring, mattress, dresser, mirror. 2 night stands, chest. Xlnt. cond. $850.
Pr. ply. 847-8476 DEEP Carved Pecan Mediterranean Living room. dining rm. Like new.
Must Sell. Pr.pty. 7149968862 Antiques Paintings 8116 Leepers Fantastic Antiques AMERICAN OAK Secretaries, lots ol hall trees, clocks. ladies desks, stained glass, peep nets, magniliccntcarvcd round oak roll-top desks, pictures, beds, many unusual items. Best American Load in monlhs.
Closed Fri. 48 Open Sat. 49 9am LEEPERS ANTIQUES 2021 N. Glassel! Orange 714637-6790 ANTIQUES OF THE SEA $300,000 Inventory ot Nautical tors. Ooon.
10-6Closcd Mon. 16441 Pacific Coast Hwy. (bet. WarnerSeal Bch. BI.) Sunset Bch.
213592 1752 MUSIC BOXESANTQS. Sec Sun. ad. AMERICAN International Galleries 1802-F KETTERING ST. IRVINE.
Ca, 92714 (714) 754-1777 OAK Secretary, round solid Wolnul dresser wbevel mirror. Much more. Pr.pty. 714846 1446.536 1921 Ruyt, Carpets, Linoleum 8124 ORIENTAL RUGS A TAPESTRIES PURCHASED at TOP PRICES by BARKER BROS. Exocr.
clean's. repairs by craftsmen. 213624 3355 BUY QUALITY CARPETS 6454330 CARPET 4 rooms, ma. 40 yds). CARPET contractor has surnlus of cioscouis-scconosj)uiiups a usco carpet.
$1 .00 fo $6.00. 522-2370; Appliance 8128 0 FREIGHT DAMAGE SALE Beach City Appliances, 3308 West Warner (near Harbor). Santa Ana. Vacuum Cleaners 8131 KIRBY Vacuum with sudsa gun 1 yr. guarantee.
$59.95 751 9545 MUSICAL INSTR. 8200 GIBSON 16 guitar whardshcll case. ply. (714) 994 4309 GUITAR. Thunder Stratocastor.
white, rand nu 54 DO. 714992-2126 Musical Instr. Wanted 8203 WE PAY TOP Organs for Sale 8207 HAMMOND H100 Wmodels 222 Lcsue spur. noiiana rnyinm unit. Can be used at home, church, or orofcssinnal.
Sm. dn. n.ivmenl only. P.pty. 645 5036 Pianot-Orgam (or Rent 8222 DON'T! BUY! RENT RENT RENT TRY BErORE YOU BUY.
PIANOS ORGANS KAY KALIF MUSIC 7-9202 750-9533 TV, RADIO, HI Fl 8300 Television 8304 RCA Color TV Nearly new $300 or dcsi oner. rr. piy, oaj-oaj Video Tape Recorders 8315 RARE OPPORTUNITY For your living room or bar. Life size 7 it. Advent TV used 13 mo.
save buu inci. yu oay war- Alsp Demo CR8300JVC electronic Henry Radio BOTH STORES 714772-9200 213430-7997 Test EquipK Parts 831 Hi Fl, Stereo, Pompon. 8318 FOR New. USED HI FIs. TV'! MJIO LAB.
213246-1605 CAMERAS EQUIP. 8400 SUPLR 0 Brand New GAF movie cam- best. Eves. 645-4076. Pr.pty.
LE1CA lllf Sumicron 1.2. Like nu. Best oner. Pr.pty. 830-5190 Cameras, Equip.
Wtd. 8411 We pay top dollars for used Cameras Access. SPORTS EQUIPMENT 8500 BASEBALL or tennis DitchmR mach. like new, cost J900 newwant $500 or make otr. PP 213691-8B27 aft.
8600 ANTIQUES, arts, crafts, plants i food, Str-rtn i net rmt. 13 it w. roadway. Anaheim 533-7310 ELEPHANT Ivory whole tusks, pounds. Jewelry Mart.
750 S. toast Laguna Bch. 497 1095: 497-2115 NU Kenwood 4140. 95 watt stereo lbo: Chcv. 336 heads szo: so uiuki, like nu.
$1500. Pr.pty. 714839-0353 SwaD Meeters-Wholesalers Baseball style caps. Some wom-blcms. $1 .25 ca.
Discount volume. Also wmdbrcakcrs. lined Pool Tables 8602 DELUXE Pool table. Antique style ets. Good cond, Musfsell.
$800 Pr. ply. eves. lflbb-bZSU MACHINERY EQUIP. 8800 GEAR shapor.
Follows 7 lb. rebuilt NC Avcy 8 spindle turret drill 20x40 table, 14.S0D nt-t PLANER Mill Liberty luu np. new cc-nainon. 213583 1281 Material Handling Equip. 8811 NEWTCM FORKLIFTS Lease new torklills low as $152 mo.
capacity ProcDHing Equipment 811191 1 Uincr-Lllison tram back laborer. 1 Indutt. Equiu. Hat. 8837 SMOG AFTERBURNER ORIGINAL C05T S93.000 LIVESTOCK I EQUIP.
8900 Misc. Hons Equipment, Stables Services 8905 LATE 1800 Austrian horse drawn 62. PETS 8950 Dogi 8975 Airdale AKC Male Puppy 12 Wks. $150. 213421 6985 COCKER Spaniel puppies.
Bu(t. AKC. DOXIES THE PUPPV HOUSE AKOi mixed breeds grooming IRISH SETTER. FEMALE 16 weeks AKC. 1 00.
Pr.pty. 558 4428 dys. 847 5260 eves MINIATURE Schnauzer. AKC reR. 2 Call 837 0785 PEEKAPOO.
Pekingese poodles, some PEMBROKE Wclieh Corms. 2 mains. I 11 mos. rossmie co owncrsnip ol 1 male female tor AKC showing. Aicrt attcctionatc.
xint. pels. 714552 8372. Pr.pty. Samoyeds, 9 2 males Nonarjcrs.
Shot Pr ntv. 557 QR15 salt pepper minialurc $200. ca. Pr.pty.' 543 0583 IMPORTED CARS 9200 ORANGE COUNTY'S 0 SPORTS CAR 0 HEADQUARTERS imTniMiiuiTZs Alfa Romeo 0 ALFA 76 Alfetta G.T. FXFrilTIUP PAD 5 SDC-cd.
air. amfm iterwi cacuitr coco mats, shadow louvers, low miics. sun unocr laciory warranty. Cotton fiolt Inr 6750 Manchcslcr at S.A. Fi it S.A.
Frwy. 714521-60501 ALFA ROMEO COTTON GOFF SALES SERVICE PARTS 6750 Manchester on S.A. Fwy. BUENA PARK 213868 1701 714521-60501 ALFA 76 ALFETTA GT. Make monthly pymts.
down. Credit by f323PIL) Gateway Ford 213-782-64B8 ALFA Romeo 76 Spyder. 2500 AMFM. air. Under warranty.
$8500. (CNE137) Pr.ply. 492-8047 Audi AUDI '73 100LS 4-0r. Silverblue. air.
stereo. 48M mi. Pr.Dtv. Immac. $2900ofr.
(871HDB) 673-6789 AUDI '73 100LS 4 slvr. blue, slick. loaded. Must sell. (522HHL) Austin Austin America AUSTIN '73 Manna GT AC.
lo BMW '74 3.0 CS. auto. '75 530ia '69 1600 4 spd. (ZXX866) 131 nitU DKUAUIVAT, SAMIft ANJ 835-3171 Closed Sunday Roy Carver BMW Sates Service Leasing ORANGE COUNTY'S OLOEST 1540 JAMBOREE RD. NEWPORT BEACH 714640 6444 Closed Sunday 0 BMW 73 BAVARIA PARK PORSCHEAUDI 6700 Manchescr at S.A.
Frwy. BUENA PARK 213921-7743 714521-8621 BMW '75 2002 4 am-lm iter. cast. tape. air.
sunroof, orange $6595 MARK CHRISTOPHER CHEV. BMW '71 Bavaria, loaded. 62M mi vr. vt (247ZAL) BMW 630 on Display Now! SADDLEBACK BMW 71483 1-20 Bricklin BRICKLIN '75 late oroduction. immac.
While. 11.000 actual mi. Any offer consiuerca. iber.iuji iuullu BRICKLIN '75 AMFM. ai Capri CAPRI 73 $2495 CAPRI '72 200O.
4 cvt. cnnrl ennri J1600 (664FJR) Pr.pty. 213549-2300 el. 44; 7148930863 eves. CAPRI II "76.
V6. 4 AC. stereo. tape. dlx.
inter. Like new. (296NIF) CAPRI '76s imm. lease now save. McClurc Line.
-Merc. 2225 E. Kalclla. Anaheim. 835-2225 Datsun DATSUN '73 1200 4 speed.
(127JEC) 714842-7761 MISC. FOR SALE SAN DIEGO COUNTY 5100 Fallbrook 5138 Now you can rent i Woodbridteeo I NEAR FALLBROOK Producino Avrw.irfo otovpi 74 ac fully planted. $300,000. terms, lo aown. Hurry! bin Marnn agt.
THE LAND OFFICE RANCHO CALIFORNIA 714676 5706 PREVIEW 13 CUSTOM HOMES 3 1 ba. $59,900 $65,500 BOB LE MOND. Bkr. 714728 On La Bucna Vida. across from high scnooi.
yaTj rirtnrtmij avhilmdlc, Oceimlde 5164 2 bedrooms. 2 baths on HT, DESERT, BCH, RESORT 5400 HIGH SIERRA SKI LODGE Yr. round rixnrt fxh hunt eki Restaurant, cocktail lounge, ski shopstore, gas. 8 flat acres. Nordic Ski Center.
4 mi. from Ml. Rcba Bear Vofiey lifts (Hwy. 4 Ebbclts Pass) 1975 gr. $140,000.
Price win consiacr exenangc. Patrick O'Donncll 714493-5585 Century 21 (OMF) Canyon Lake 5411 UNDER const. 3 tarn. $U0M. Sec ao iy.
iu. kcu uarpet Kitrs. 14874-1432 Two ot Orange County's most beautiful apartment communities. A relaxing setting with streams, waterfalls, and majestic trees. Featuring pools, Jacuzzi, sauna, billiards, and exciting clubhouse with social evenls.
Tennis, gym, and volleyball at The Village. More of everything you're looking for. Furniture Is available. One and Two Bedroom Adult Living. Offices open 9:00 to 6:00 Now renting.
Woodbridge Pines Apartments may be the best-kept secret in this season's residential best seller, the Village of Woodbridge. And this rustic apartment community isn't easy to get to right now, either, with all the village construction going on. But these one-, two-, and three-bedroom units, designed like early California bungalows, are well worth the effort. There are cozy built-ins. Fireplaces.
Patios and balconies. Lots and lots of style. Plus all the wide-open village recreation and other goodness of Orange County's most exciting new place to live. Follow our map. With determination.
And visit soon. Before we're all taken, too. Woodbridge Pines Apartments, 115 Pinestone, Irvine, California (714) 552-0400 Rents from $270 Owned managed by The Irvine Company Leasing office hours: daily Equal Housing Opportunities WOODBRIDGE adult apartment homes luxury appointments and recreation ot a premium Tennis gym therapy spa swimming billiards. One Two Bedrooms, One Bath From $230. iou.in0 JpkMesyilas iagSaKHE APARTMENTS U1J Opport 13631 Harbor Garden Grove 550 Pautailno Costa Mesa 751-6995 (htsiM Kit to 1 1 kiaegn it DATSUN '74 610 4 speed.
(894MYD) DOT OATSUN 714842-7781.